
Most MBA students complete a full-time internship in a business field of interest in the summer between their first and second years. Internships allow MBA students to apply their learnings in a real world setting and introduce them to companies that may become their post-graduation employers. The Career Development Office supports all aspects of students’ internship and career search.

Internships are discouraged during the fall and spring terms. Students should carefully evaluate the trade-offs that will be required when undertaking employment during their academic terms. The MBA program is full-time and demanding, and extracurricular opportunities such as clubs and conferences are important to the experience.

Course: 15.999 Internship

The one-unit course, 15.999 Internship, provides a structured way to apply academic frameworks and reflect on personal growth in the internship.

  • 15.999 requires a written deliverable.
  • 15.999 fulfills the requirement that international students requesting visa work authorization be enrolled in a credit-granting internship course.

For full and current information on visa work authorization, please carefully review the International Student’s Office’s website and specifically the information on F-1 Curricular Practical Training or J-1 Academic Training.

Of special note to MBA students:

  1. International MBA students are typically ineligible under their visas to work off-campus during their first year and become eligible at the completion of one full academic year (the summer between the first and second years of the program.)
  2. International MBA students are not permitted to work more than 20 hours/week (including both on- and off-campus work) during the fall and spring semesters.
  3. To apply for visa work authorization, the first step is to request a departmental support letter. Students should submit a request through the Sloan Educational Services Letter and Transcript Request portal.
  4. Students must ensure that they are enrolled in 15.999 Internship as required by their visa. Those receiving a departmental support letter prior to the start of the term will be pre-enrolled in the course by SES. Students requesting their letters after the term begins should use the on-line add/drop form to add 15.999.
  5. The internship course 15.999 and one academic unit must count towards the minimum number of elective units required for the degree. International students exceeding the 144 elective unit requirement in any term would be ineligible in that term for visa work authorization.
  6. International MBA students should review the FAQ document HERE and consult ISO regarding visa work authorization policies for start-ups.